mom_tracer_z_init module reference

Used to initialize tracers from a depth- (or z*-) space file.




This function initializes a tracer by reading a Z-space file, returning .true.


Layer model routine for remapping tracers from pseudo-z coordinates into layers defined by target interface positions.


This subroutine reads the vertical coordinate data for a field from a NetCDF file.


Determines the layers bounded by interfaces e that overlap with the depth range between Z_top and Z_bot, and the fractional weights of each layer.


This subroutine determines a limited slope for val to be advected with a piecewise limited scheme.


This subroutine determines the potential temperature and salinity that is consistent with the target density using provided initial guess.

Detailed Description

Used to initialize tracers from a depth- (or z*-) space file.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

function mom_tracer_z_init/tracer_z_init(tr, h, filename, tr_name, G, GV, US, missing_val, land_val, scale) [logical]

This function initializes a tracer by reading a Z-space file, returning .true. if this appears to have been successful, and false otherwise.


undefined :: A return code indicating if the initialization has been successful

  • g :: [in] The ocean’s grid structure

  • gv :: [in] The ocean’s vertical grid structure.

  • us :: [in] A dimensional unit scaling type

  • tr :: [out] The tracer to initialize [CU ~> conc]

  • h :: [in] Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2] or other

  • filename :: [in] The name of the file to read from

  • tr_name :: [in] The name of the tracer in the file

  • missing_val :: [in] The missing value for the tracer [CU ~> conc]

  • land_val :: [in] A value to use to fill in land points [CU ~> conc]

  • scale :: [in] A factor by which to scale the output tracers from the their units in the file [CU conc-1 ~> 1]

Call to:

find_limited_slope find_overlap mom_error_handler::mom_error read_z_edges

Called from:

mom_cfc_cap::init_tracer_cfc mom_ocmip2_cfc::init_tracer_cfc ideal_age_example::initialize_ideal_age_tracer mom_generic_tracer::initialize_mom_generic_tracer oil_tracer::initialize_oil_tracer

subroutine mom_tracer_z_init/tracer_z_init_array(tr_in, z_edges, nk_data, e, land_fill, G, nlay, nlevs, eps_z, tr, scale)

Layer model routine for remapping tracers from pseudo-z coordinates into layers defined by target interface positions.

  • g :: [in] The ocean’s grid structure

  • nk_data :: [in] The number of levels in the input data

  • tr_in :: [in] The z-space array of tracer concentrations

  • z_edges :: [in] The depths of the cell edges in the input z* data [Z ~> m] or [m]

  • nlay :: [in] The number of vertical layers in the target grid

  • e :: [in] The depths of the target layer interfaces [Z ~> m] or [m]

  • land_fill :: [in] fill in data over land [B]

  • nlevs :: [in] The number of input levels with valid data

  • eps_z :: [in] A negligibly thin layer thickness [Z ~> m].

  • tr :: [out] tracers in model space [B]

  • scale :: [in] A factor by which to scale the output tracers from the input tracers [B A-1 ~> 1]

Call to:

find_limited_slope find_overlap

subroutine mom_tracer_z_init/read_z_edges(filename, tr_name, z_edges, nz_out, has_edges, use_missing, missing, scale, missing_scale)

This subroutine reads the vertical coordinate data for a field from a NetCDF file. It also might read the missing value attribute for that same field.

  • filename :: [in] The name of the file to read from.

  • tr_name :: [in] The name of the tracer in the file.

  • z_edges :: [out] The depths of the vertical edges of the tracer array [Z ~> m]

  • nz_out :: [out] The number of vertical layers in the tracer array

  • has_edges :: [out] If true the values in z_edges are the edges of the tracer cells, otherwise they are the cell centers

  • use_missing :: [inout] If false on input, see whether the tracer has a missing value, and if so return true

  • missing :: [inout] The missing value, if one has been found [CU ~> conc]

  • scale :: [in] A scaling factor for z_edges into new units [Z m-1 ~> 1]

  • missing_scale :: [in] A scaling factor to use to convert the tracers and their missing value from the units in the file into their internal units [CU conc-1 ~> 1]

Call to:

mom_io::close_file_to_read mom_error_handler::mom_error mom_io::open_file_to_read

Called from:


subroutine mom_tracer_z_init/find_overlap(e, Z_top, Z_bot, k_max, k_start, k_top, k_bot, wt, z1, z2)

Determines the layers bounded by interfaces e that overlap with the depth range between Z_top and Z_bot, and the fractional weights of each layer. It also calculates the normalized relative depths of the range of each layer that overlaps that depth range.

  • e :: [in] Column interface heights, [Z ~> m] or other units.

  • z_top :: [in] Top of range being mapped to, in the units of e [Z ~> m].

  • z_bot :: [in] Bottom of range being mapped to, in the units of e [Z ~> m].

  • k_max :: [in] Number of valid layers.

  • k_start :: [in] Layer at which to start searching.

  • k_top :: [out] Indices of top layers that overlap with the depth range.

  • k_bot :: [out] Indices of bottom layers that overlap with the depth range.

  • wt :: [out] Relative weights of each layer from k_top to k_bot [nondim].

  • z1 :: [out] Depth of the top limits of the part of a layer that contributes to a depth level, relative to the cell center and normalized by the cell thickness [nondim]. Note that -1/2 <= z1 < z2 <= 1/2.

  • z2 :: [out] Depths of the bottom limit of the part of a layer that contributes to a depth level, relative to the cell center and normalized by the cell thickness [nondim]. Note that -1/2 <= z1 < z2 <= 1/2.

Called from:

tracer_z_init tracer_z_init_array

function mom_tracer_z_init/find_limited_slope(val, e, k) [real]

This subroutine determines a limited slope for val to be advected with a piecewise limited scheme.

  • val :: [in] A column of the values that are being interpolated, in arbitrary units [A]

  • e :: [in] A column’s interface heights [Z ~> m] or other units.

  • k :: [in] The layer whose slope is being determined.


undefined :: The normalized slope in the intracell distribution of val [A]

Called from:

tracer_z_init tracer_z_init_array

subroutine mom_tracer_z_init/determine_temperature(temp, salt, R_tgt, EOS, p_ref, niter, k_start, G, GV, US, PF, just_read)

This subroutine determines the potential temperature and salinity that is consistent with the target density using provided initial guess.

  • g :: [in] The ocean’s grid structure

  • gv :: [in] The ocean’s vertical grid structure.

  • temp :: [inout] potential temperature [C ~> degC]

  • salt :: [inout] salinity [S ~> ppt]

  • r_tgt :: [in] desired potential density [R ~> kg m-3].

  • eos :: [in] seawater equation of state control structure

  • p_ref :: [in] reference pressure [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa].

  • niter :: [in] maximum number of iterations

  • k_start :: [in] starting index (i.e. below the buffer layer)

  • us :: [in] A dimensional unit scaling type

  • pf :: [in] A structure indicating the open file to parse for model parameter values.

  • just_read :: [in] If true, this call will only read parameters without changing T or S.

Call to:
