mom_io_file module reference

This module contains the MOM file handler types.


Data Types


Handle for axis in MOM file.


Linked list of framework axes.


Framework axis linked list node.


Linked list of framework axes.


Framework axis linked list node.


Handle for field in MOM file.


Linked list of framework fields.


Framework field linked list node.


Linked list of framework fields.


Framework field linked list node.


Generic MOM file abstraction for common operations.


MOM file from the supporting framework (“infra”) layer.


MOM file using netCDF backend.



Initialize the linked list of framework axes.


Append a new axis to the list.


Get axis based on label.


Deallocate axes of list.


Initialize the linked list of framework axes.


Append a new axis to the list.


Get axis based on label.


Deallocate axes of list.


Initialize the linked list of framework axes.


Append a new field to the list.


Get axis based on label.


Deallocate fields of list.


Initialize the linked list of framework axes.


Append a new field to the list.


Get axis based on label.


Deallocate fields of list.


Open a MOM framework file.


Close a MOM framework file.


Flush the buffer of a MOM framework file.


Register an axis to the MOM framework file.


Register a field to the MOM framework file.


Write a 4D field to the MOM framework file.


Write a 3D field to the MOM framework file.


Write a 2D field to the MOM framework file.


Write a 1D field to the MOM framework file.


Write a 0D field to the MOM framework file.


Write an axis field to the MOM framework file.


Write global metadata to the MOM framework file.


True if the framework file has been opened.


Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM infra file.


Return the field metadata associated with a MOM framework file.


Get time levels of a MOM framework file.


Get attributes from a field.


Interface to read_field_chksum.


Get the native (fieldtype) fields of a MOM framework file.


Open a MOM netCDF file.


Close a MOM netCDF file.


Flush the buffer of a MOM netCDF file.


Register an axis to the MOM netcdf file.


Register a field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write global metadata to the MOM netcdf file.


Write a 4D field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write a 3D field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write a 2D field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write a 1D field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write a 0D field to the MOM netcdf file.


Write an axis field to the MOM netcdf file.


True if the framework file has been opened.


Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM netcdf file.


Update the axes and fields descriptors of a MOM netCDF file.


Return the field descriptors of a MOM netCDF file.


Get attributes from a netCDF field.


Interface to read_field_chksum.


Read the values of a netCDF field into an array that might have halos.

Detailed Description

This module contains the MOM file handler types.

Type Documentation

type mom_io_file/mom_axis

Handle for axis in MOM file.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Identifier for the axis in handle’s list.

type mom_io_file/axis_list_infra

Linked list of framework axes.

Type fields:
  • % head [type( axis_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Head of axis linked list.

  • % tail [type( axis_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Tail of axis linked list.

  • % init [procedure,private] :: Initialize the framework axis list.

  • % append [procedure,private] :: Append a new axis to the framework axis list.

  • % get [procedure,private] :: Get an axis from the framework axis list.

  • % finalize [procedure,private] :: Deallocate the framework axis list.

type mom_io_file/axis_node_infra

Framework axis linked list node.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Axis identifier.

  • % next [type( axis_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Pointer to next axis node.

  • % axis [type(axistype),private] :: Axis node contents.

type mom_io_file/axis_list_nc

Linked list of framework axes.

Type fields:
  • % head [type( axis_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Head of axis linked list.

  • % tail [type( axis_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Tail of axis linked list.

  • % init [procedure,private] :: Initialize the netCDF axis list.

  • % append [procedure,private] :: Append a new axis to the netCDF axis list.

  • % get [procedure,private] :: Get an axis from the netCDF axis list.

  • % finalize [procedure,private] :: Deallocate the netCDF axis list.

type mom_io_file/axis_node_nc

Framework axis linked list node.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Axis identifier.

  • % next [type( axis_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Pointer to next axis node.

  • % axis [type( netcdf_axis ),private] :: Axis node contents.

type mom_io_file/mom_field

Handle for field in MOM file.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Identifier for the field in the handle’s list.

type mom_io_file/field_list_infra

Linked list of framework fields.

Type fields:
  • % head [type( field_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Head of field linked list.

  • % tail [type( field_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Tail of field linked list.

  • % init [procedure,private] :: Initialize the framework field list.

  • % append [procedure,private] :: Append a new axis to the framework field list.

  • % get [procedure,private] :: Get an axis from the framework field list.

  • % finalize [procedure,private] :: Deallocate the framework field list.

type mom_io_file/field_node_infra

Framework field linked list node.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Field identifier.

  • % field [type(fieldtype),private] :: Field node contents.

  • % next [type( field_node_infra ),pointer, private] :: Pointer to next field node.

type mom_io_file/field_list_nc

Linked list of framework fields.

Type fields:
  • % head [type( field_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Head of field linked list.

  • % tail [type( field_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Tail of field linked list.

  • % init [procedure,private] :: Initialize the netCDF field list.

  • % append [procedure,private] :: Append a new axis to the netCDF field list.

  • % get [procedure,private] :: Get an axis from the netCDF field list.

  • % finalize [procedure,private] :: Deallocate the netCDF field list.

type mom_io_file/field_node_nc

Framework field linked list node.

Type fields:
  • % label [character (len=:),allocatable, private] :: Field identifier.

  • % field [type( netcdf_field ),private] :: Field node contents.

  • % next [type( field_node_nc ),pointer, private] :: Pointer to next field node.

type mom_io_file/mom_file

Generic MOM file abstraction for common operations.

Type fields:
  • % open [procedure( i_open_file ),deferred, private] :: Open a file and connect to the MOM_file object.

  • % close [procedure( i_close_file ),deferred, private] :: Close the MOM file.

  • % flush [procedure( i_flush_file ),deferred, private] :: Flush buffered output to the MOM file.

  • % register_axis [procedure( i_register_axis ),deferred, private] :: Register an axis to the MOM file.

  • % register_field [procedure( i_register_field ),deferred, private] :: Register a field to the MOM file.

  • % write_attribute [procedure( i_write_attribute ),deferred, private] :: Write metadata to the MOM file.

  • % write_field [generic,private] :: Write field to a MOM file.

  • % write_field_4d [procedure( i_write_field_4d ),deferred, private] :: Write a 4D field to the MOM file.

  • % write_field_3d [procedure( i_write_field_3d ),deferred, private] :: Write a 3D field to the MOM file.

  • % write_field_2d [procedure( i_write_field_2d ),deferred, private] :: Write a 2D field to the MOM file.

  • % write_field_1d [procedure( i_write_field_1d ),deferred, private] :: Write a 1D field to the MOM file.

  • % write_field_0d [procedure( i_write_field_0d ),deferred, private] :: Write a 0D field to the MOM file.

  • % write_field_axis [procedure( i_write_field_axis ),deferred, private] :: Write an axis field to the MOM file.

  • % file_is_open [procedure( i_file_is_open ),deferred, private] :: Return true if MOM file has been opened.

  • % get_file_info [procedure( i_get_file_info ),deferred, private] :: Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM file.

  • % get_file_fields [procedure( i_get_file_fields ),deferred, private] :: Get field objects from a MOM file.

  • % get_field_atts [procedure( i_get_field_atts ),deferred, private] :: Get attributes from a field.

  • % read_field_chksum [procedure( i_read_field_chksum ),deferred, private] :: Get checksum from a field.

type mom_io_file/mom_infra_file

MOM file from the supporting framework (“infra”) layer.

Type fields:
  • % domain [type(mom_domain_type),pointer, public] :: Internal domain used for single-file IO.

  • % handle_infra [type(file_type),public] :: Framework-specific file handler content.

  • % axes [type( axis_list_infra ),private] :: List of axes in file.

  • % fields [type( field_list_infra ),private] :: List of fields in file.

  • % open [procedure,private] :: Open a framework file and connect to the MOM_file object.

  • % close [procedure,private] :: Close the MOM framework file.

  • % flush [procedure,private] :: Flush buffered output to the MOM framework file.

  • % register_axis [procedure,private] :: Register an axis to the MOM framework file.

  • % register_field [procedure,private] :: Register a field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_attribute [procedure,private] :: Write global metadata to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_4d [procedure,private] :: Write a 4D field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_3d [procedure,private] :: Write a 3D field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_2d [procedure,private] :: Write a 2D field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_1d [procedure,private] :: Write a 1D field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_0d [procedure,private] :: Write a 0D field to the MOM framework file.

  • % write_field_axis [procedure,private] :: Write an axis field to the MOM framework file.

  • % file_is_open [procedure,private] :: Return true if MOM infra file has been opened.

  • % get_file_info [procedure,private] :: Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM infra file.

  • % get_file_fields [procedure,private] :: Get field metadata from a MOM infra file.

  • % get_field_atts [procedure,private] :: Get attributes from a field.

  • % read_field_chksum [procedure,private] :: Get checksum from a field.

  • % get_file_times [procedure,private] :: Get time levels of a MOM framework file.

  • % get_file_fieldtypes [procedure,private] :: Get the fields as fieldtypes from a file.

type mom_io_file/mom_netcdf_file

MOM file using netCDF backend.

Type fields:
  • % handle_nc [type( netcdf_file_type ),private] :: Framework-specific file handler content.

  • % axes [type( axis_list_nc ),private] :: List of netCDF axes.

  • % fields [type( field_list_nc ),private] :: List of netCDF fields.

  • % is_open [logical,private] :: True if the file has been opened.

  • % domain_decomposed [logical,private] :: True if I/O content is domain-decomposed.

  • % hi [type( hor_index_type ),private] :: True if I/O content is domain-decomposed.

  • % open [procedure,private] :: Open a framework file and connect to the MOM_netcdf_file object.

  • % close [procedure,private] :: Close the MOM netcdf file.

  • % flush [procedure,private] :: Flush buffered output to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % register_axis [procedure,private] :: Register an axis to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % register_field [procedure,private] :: Register a field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_attribute [procedure,private] :: Write global metadata to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_4d [procedure,private] :: Write a 4D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_3d [procedure,private] :: Write a 3D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_2d [procedure,private] :: Write a 2D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_1d [procedure,private] :: Write a 1D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_0d [procedure,private] :: Write a 0D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % write_field_axis [procedure,private] :: Write an axis field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • % file_is_open [procedure,private] :: Return true if MOM netcdf file has been opened.

  • % get_file_info [procedure,private] :: Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM netcdf file.

  • % get_file_fields [procedure,private] :: Get field metadata from a MOM netcdf file.

  • % get_field_atts [procedure,private] :: Get attributes from a netCDF field.

  • % read_field_chksum [procedure,private] :: Get checksum from a netCDF field.

  • % read [procedure,private] :: Read the values of a netCDF field.

  • % update [procedure,private] :: Update the axes and fields descriptors of a MOM netCDF file.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine mom_io_file/initialize_axis_list_infra(list)

Initialize the linked list of framework axes.

subroutine mom_io_file/append_axis_list_infra(list, axis, label)

Append a new axis to the list.

function mom_io_file/get_axis_list_infra(list, label) [type(axistype)]

Get axis based on label.

subroutine mom_io_file/finalize_axis_list_infra(list)

Deallocate axes of list.

subroutine mom_io_file/initialize_axis_list_nc(list)

Initialize the linked list of framework axes.

subroutine mom_io_file/append_axis_list_nc(list, axis, label)

Append a new axis to the list.

function mom_io_file/get_axis_list_nc(list, label) [type(netcdf_axis)]

Get axis based on label.

subroutine mom_io_file/finalize_axis_list_nc(list)

Deallocate axes of list.

subroutine mom_io_file/initialize_field_list_infra(list)

Initialize the linked list of framework axes.

subroutine mom_io_file/append_field_list_infra(list, field, label)

Append a new field to the list.

function mom_io_file/get_field_list_infra(list, label) [type(fieldtype)]

Get axis based on label.

subroutine mom_io_file/finalize_field_list_infra(list)

Deallocate fields of list.

subroutine mom_io_file/initialize_field_list_nc(list)

Initialize the linked list of framework axes.

subroutine mom_io_file/append_field_list_nc(list, field, label)

Append a new field to the list.

function mom_io_file/get_field_list_nc(list, label) [type(netcdf_field)]

Get axis based on label.

subroutine mom_io_file/finalize_field_list_nc(list)

Deallocate fields of list.

subroutine mom_io_file/open_file_infra(handle, filename, action, MOM_domain, threading, fileset)

Open a MOM framework file.

subroutine mom_io_file/close_file_infra(handle)

Close a MOM framework file.

subroutine mom_io_file/flush_file_infra(handle)

Flush the buffer of a MOM framework file.

function mom_io_file/register_axis_infra(handle, label, units, longname, cartesian, sense, domain, data, edge_axis, calendar) [type(mom_axis)]

Register an axis to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • label :: [in] The name in the file of this axis

  • units :: [in] The units of this axis

  • longname :: [in] The long description of this axis

  • cartesian :: [in] A variable indicating which direction this axis corresponds with. Valid values include ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘T’, and ‘N’ for none.

  • sense :: [in] This is 1 for axes whose values increase upward, or -1 if they increase downward.

  • domain :: [in] The domain decomposion for this axis

  • data :: [in] The coordinate values of the points on this axis

  • edge_axis :: [in] If true, this axis marks an edge of the tracer cells

  • calendar :: [in] The name of the calendar used with a time axis


undefined :: The axis type where this information is stored

function mom_io_file/register_field_infra(handle, axes, label, units, longname, pack, standard_name, checksum) [type(mom_field)]

Register a field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • axes :: [in] Handles for the axis used for this variable

  • label :: [in] The name in the file of this variable

  • units :: [in] The units of this variable

  • longname :: [in] The long description of this variable

  • pack :: [in] A precision reduction factor with which the variable. The default, 1, has no reduction, but 2 is not uncommon.

  • standard_name :: [in] The standard (e.g., CMOR) name for this variable

  • checksum :: [in] Checksum values that can be used to verify reads.


undefined :: The field type where this information is stored

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_4d_infra(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 4D field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_3d_infra(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 3D field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_2d_infra(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 2D field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_1d_infra(handle, field_md, field, tstamp)

Write a 1D field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • field :: [in] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_0d_infra(handle, field_md, field, tstamp)

Write a 0D field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • field :: [in] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_axis_infra(handle, axis)

Write an axis field to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • axis :: [in] An axis type variable with information to write

subroutine mom_io_file/write_attribute_infra(handle, name, attribute)

Write global metadata to the MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [in] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • name :: [in] The name in the file of this global attribute

  • attribute :: [in] The value of this attribute

function mom_io_file/file_is_open_infra(handle) [logical]

True if the framework file has been opened.


handle :: [in] Handle to a file to inquire about

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_info_infra(handle, ndim, nvar, ntime)

Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM infra file.

  • handle :: [in] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

  • ndim :: [out] The number of dimensions in the file

  • nvar :: [out] The number of variables in the file

  • ntime :: [out] The number of time levels in the file

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_fields_infra(handle, fields)

Return the field metadata associated with a MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

  • fields :: [inout] Field-type descriptions of all of the variables in a file.

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_times_infra(handle, time_values, ntime)

Get time levels of a MOM framework file.

  • handle :: [in] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

  • time_values :: [inout] The real times for the records in file.

  • ntime :: [out] The number of time levels in the file

subroutine mom_io_file/get_field_atts_infra(handle, field, name, units, longname, checksum)

Get attributes from a field.

  • handle :: [in] File where field is stored

  • field :: [in] The field to extract information from

  • name :: [out] The variable name

  • units :: [out] The units of the variable

  • longname :: [out] The long name of the variable

  • checksum :: [out] The checksums of the variable in a file

subroutine mom_io_file/read_field_chksum_infra(handle, field, chksum, valid_chksum)

Interface to read_field_chksum.

  • handle :: [in] File where field is stored

  • field :: [in] The field whose checksum attribute is to be read

  • chksum :: [out] The checksum for the field.

  • valid_chksum :: [out] If true, chksum has been successfully read

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_fieldtypes(handle, fields)

Get the native (fieldtype) fields of a MOM framework file.

subroutine mom_io_file/open_file_nc(handle, filename, action, MOM_domain, threading, fileset)

Open a MOM netCDF file.

Call to:


subroutine mom_io_file/close_file_nc(handle)

Close a MOM netCDF file.

subroutine mom_io_file/flush_file_nc(handle)

Flush the buffer of a MOM netCDF file.

function mom_io_file/register_axis_nc(handle, label, units, longname, cartesian, sense, domain, data, edge_axis, calendar) [type(mom_axis)]

Register an axis to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a netCDF file that is open for writing

  • label :: [in] The name in the file of this axis

  • units :: [in] The units of this axis

  • longname :: [in] The long description of this axis

  • cartesian :: [in] A variable indicating which direction this axis corresponds with. Valid values include ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘T’, and ‘N’ for none.

  • sense :: [in] This is 1 for axes whose values increase upward, or -1 if they increase downward.

  • domain :: [in] The domain decomposion for this axis

  • data :: [in] The coordinate values of the points on this axis

  • edge_axis :: [in] If true, this axis marks an edge of the tracer cells

  • calendar :: [in] The name of the calendar used with a time axis

function mom_io_file/register_field_nc(handle, axes, label, units, longname, pack, standard_name, checksum) [type(mom_field)]

Register a field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • axes :: [in] Handles for the axis used for this variable

  • label :: [in] The name in the file of this variable

  • units :: [in] The units of this variable

  • longname :: [in] The long description of this variable

  • pack :: [in] A precision reduction factor with which the variable. The default, 1, has no reduction, but 2 is not uncommon.

  • standard_name :: [in] The standard (e.g., CMOR) name for this variable

  • checksum :: [in] Checksum values that can be used to verify reads.

subroutine mom_io_file/write_attribute_nc(handle, name, attribute)

Write global metadata to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [in] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • name :: [in] The name in the file of this global attribute

  • attribute :: [in] The value of this attribute

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_4d_nc(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 4D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_3d_nc(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 3D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_2d_nc(handle, field_md, MOM_domain, field, tstamp, tile_count, fill_value)

Write a 2D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • mom_domain :: [in] The MOM_Domain that describes the decomposition

  • field :: [inout] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

  • tile_count :: [in] PEs per tile (default: 1)

  • fill_value :: [in] Missing data fill value

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_1d_nc(handle, field_md, field, tstamp)

Write a 1D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • field :: [in] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_0d_nc(handle, field_md, field, tstamp)

Write a 0D field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • field_md :: [in] Field type with metadata

  • field :: [in] Field to write

  • tstamp :: [in] Model time of this field

subroutine mom_io_file/write_field_axis_nc(handle, axis)

Write an axis field to the MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for writing

  • axis :: [in] An axis type variable with information to write

function mom_io_file/file_is_open_nc(handle) [logical]

True if the framework file has been opened.


handle :: [in] Handle to a file to inquire about

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_info_nc(handle, ndim, nvar, ntime)

Return number of dimensions, variables, or time levels in a MOM netcdf file.

  • handle :: [in] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

  • ndim :: [out] The number of dimensions in the file

  • nvar :: [out] The number of variables in the file

  • ntime :: [out] The number of time levels in the file

subroutine mom_io_file/update_file_contents_nc(handle)

Update the axes and fields descriptors of a MOM netCDF file.


handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

subroutine mom_io_file/get_file_fields_nc(handle, fields)

Return the field descriptors of a MOM netCDF file.

  • handle :: [inout] Handle for a file that is open for I/O

  • fields :: [inout] Field-type descriptions of all of the variables in a file.

subroutine mom_io_file/get_field_atts_nc(handle, field, name, units, longname, checksum)

Get attributes from a netCDF field.

  • handle :: [in] File where field is stored

  • field :: [in] The field to extract information from

  • name :: [out] The variable name

  • units :: [out] The units of the variable

  • longname :: [out] The long name of the variable

  • checksum :: [out] The checksums of the variable in a file

subroutine mom_io_file/read_field_chksum_nc(handle, field, chksum, valid_chksum)

Interface to read_field_chksum.

  • handle :: [in] File where field is stored

  • field :: [in] The field whose checksum attribute is to be read

  • chksum :: [out] The checksum for the field.

  • valid_chksum :: [out] If true, chksum has been successfully read

subroutine mom_io_file/get_field_nc(handle, label, values, rescale)

Read the values of a netCDF field into an array that might have halos.

  • handle :: [in] Handle of netCDF file to be read

  • label :: [in] Field variable name

  • values :: [inout] Field values read from the file. It would be intent(out) but for the need to preserve any initialized values in the halo regions.

  • rescale :: [in] A multiplicative rescaling factor for the values that are read. Omitting this is the same as setting it to 1.

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