coord_rho module reference

Regrid columns for the continuous isopycnal (rho) coordinate.


Data Types


Control structure containing required parameters for the rho coordinate.



Initialise a rho_CS with pointers to parameters.


This subroutine deallocates memory in the control structure for the coord_rho() module.


This subroutine can be used to set the parameters for the coord_rho() module.


Build a rho coordinate column.


Iteratively build a rho coordinate column.


Copy column thicknesses with vanished layers removed.


Inflate vanished layers to finite (nonzero) width.

Detailed Description

Regrid columns for the continuous isopycnal (rho) coordinate.

Type Documentation

type coord_rho/rho_cs

Control structure containing required parameters for the rho coordinate.

Type fields:
  • % nk [integer] :: Number of layers.

  • % min_thickness [real] :: Minimum thickness allowed for layers, often in [H ~> m or kg m-2].

  • % ref_pressure [real] :: Reference pressure for density calculations [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa].

  • % integrate_downward_for_e [logical] :: If true, integrate for interface positions from the top downward. If false, integrate from the bottom upward, as does the rest of the model.

  • % target_density [real(:),allocatable] :: Nominal density of interfaces [R ~> kg m-3].

  • % interp_cs [type( interp_cs_type )] :: Interpolation control structure.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine coord_rho/init_coord_rho(CS, nk, ref_pressure, target_density, interp_CS)

Initialise a rho_CS with pointers to parameters.

  • cs :: Unassociated pointer to hold the control structure

  • nk :: [in] Number of layers in the grid

  • ref_pressure :: [in] Coordinate reference pressure [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]

  • target_density :: [in] Nominal density of interfaces [R ~> kg m-3]

  • interp_cs :: [in] Controls for interpolation

Call to:


subroutine coord_rho/end_coord_rho(CS)

This subroutine deallocates memory in the control structure for the coord_rho() module. module.


cs :: Coordinate control structure

subroutine coord_rho/set_rho_params(CS, min_thickness, integrate_downward_for_e, interp_CS, ref_pressure)

This subroutine can be used to set the parameters for the coord_rho() module. module.

  • cs :: Coordinate control structure

  • min_thickness :: [in] Minimum allowed thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • integrate_downward_for_e :: [in] If true, integrate for interface positions from the top downward. If false, integrate from the bottom upward, as does the rest of the model.

  • ref_pressure :: [in] The reference pressure for density-dependent coordinates [R L2 T-2 ~> Pa]

  • interp_cs :: [in] Controls for interpolation

Call to:


subroutine coord_rho/build_rho_column(CS, nz, depth, h, T, S, eqn_of_state, z_interface, z_rigid_top, eta_orig, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge)

Build a rho coordinate column.

  1. Density profiles are calculated on the source grid.

  2. Positions of target densities (for interfaces) are found by interpolation.

  • cs :: [in] coord_rho() control structure control structure

  • nz :: [in] Number of levels on source grid (i.e. length of h, T, S)

  • depth :: [in] Depth of ocean bottom (positive downward) [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • h :: [in] Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • t :: [in] Temperature for source column [C ~> degC]

  • s :: [in] Salinity for source column [S ~> ppt]

  • eqn_of_state :: [in] Equation of state structure

  • z_interface :: [inout] Absolute positions of interfaces [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • z_rigid_top :: [in] The height of a rigid top (positive upward in the same units as depth) [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • eta_orig :: [in] The actual original height of the top in the same units as depth) [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • h_neglect :: [in] A negligibly small width for the purpose of cell reconstructions [H ~> m or kg m-2]

  • h_neglect_edge :: [in] A negligibly small width for the purpose of edge value calculations [H ~> m or kg m-2]

Call to:

regrid_interp::build_and_interpolate_grid copy_finite_thicknesses old_inflate_layers_1d

Called from:


subroutine coord_rho/build_rho_column_iteratively(CS, remapCS, nz, depth, h, T, S, eqn_of_state, zInterface, h_neglect, h_neglect_edge, dev_tol)

Iteratively build a rho coordinate column.

The algorithm operates as follows within each column:

  1. Given T & S within each layer, the layer densities are computed.

  2. Based on these layer densities, a global density profile is reconstructed (this profile is monotonically increasing and may be discontinuous)

  3. The new grid interfaces are determined based on the target interface densities.

  4. T & S are remapped onto the new grid.

  5. Return to step 1 until convergence or until the maximum number of iterations is reached, whichever comes first.

  • cs :: [in] Regridding control structure

  • remapcs :: [in] Remapping parameters and options

  • nz :: [in] Number of levels

  • depth :: [in] Depth of ocean bottom [Z ~> m]

  • h :: [in] Layer thicknesses in Z coordinates [Z ~> m]

  • t :: [in] T for column [C ~> degC]

  • s :: [in] S for column [S ~> ppt]

  • eqn_of_state :: [in] Equation of state structure

  • zinterface :: [inout] Absolute positions of interfaces [Z ~> m]

  • h_neglect :: [in] A negligibly small width for the purpose of cell reconstructions in the same units as h [Z ~> m]

  • h_neglect_edge :: [in] A negligibly small width for the purpose of edge value calculations in the same units as h [Z ~> m]

  • dev_tol :: [in] The tolerance for the deviation between successive grids for determining when the iterative solver has converged [Z ~> m]

Call to:

regrid_interp::build_and_interpolate_grid copy_finite_thicknesses old_inflate_layers_1d mom_remapping::remapping_core_h

subroutine coord_rho/copy_finite_thicknesses(nk, h_in, thresh, nout, h_out, mapping)

Copy column thicknesses with vanished layers removed.

  • nk :: [in] Number of layer for h_in, T_in, S_in

  • h_in :: [in] Thickness of input column [H ~> m or kg m-2] or [Z ~> m]

  • thresh :: [in] Thickness threshold defining vanished layers [H ~> m or kg m-2] or [Z ~> m]

  • nout :: [out] Number of non-vanished layers

  • h_out :: [out] Thickness of output column [H ~> m or kg m-2] or [Z ~> m]

  • mapping :: [out] Index of k-out corresponding to k-in

Called from:

build_rho_column build_rho_column_iteratively

subroutine coord_rho/old_inflate_layers_1d(min_thickness, nk, h)

Inflate vanished layers to finite (nonzero) width.

  • min_thickness :: [in] Minimum allowed thickness [H ~> m or kg m-2] or other units

  • nk :: [in] Number of layers in the grid

  • h :: [inout] Layer thicknesses [H ~> m or kg m-2] or other units

Called from:

build_rho_column build_rho_column_iteratively mom_regridding::inflate_vanished_layers_old