Organization of the code¶
The MOM6 source code is divided into a tree of directories (folders) to group related code (e.g. src/core) or similar modules (e.g. src/parametizations/vertical).
The highest level of directories are:
- src/
Code underneath src/ is always required and compiled.
- config_src/
Under config_src are various drivers and memory configuration sources that can only be compiled in limited configurations. See config_src/
- pkg/
Packages (source code) from other sources/parties only some of which might be used. We include the entire package as a sub-module but use symbolic-links to extract the parts the MOM6 uses.
- docs/
The directory that contains this documentation, namely that beyond the in-code API documentation. Some of the files are configuration files needed for running doxygen and sphinx. Most documentation in this folder is in the form of reStructuredText (.rst) files.
- .testing/
A directory for running tests on MOM6. These are some of the smaller/simpler examples that MOM6 can run out of the box, without large netCDF files.
The directory tree is:
├── config_src
│ ├── drivers
│ │ ├── FMS_cap
│ │ ├── ice_solo_driver
│ │ ├── mct_cap
│ │ ├── nuopc_cap
│ │ ├── solo_driver
│ │ └── unit_drivers
│ ├── external
│ │ ├── GFDL_ocean_BGC
│ │ └── ODA_hooks
│ ├── memory
│ │ ├── dynamic_nonsymmetric
│ │ ├── dynamic_symmetric
├── docs
│ └── images
├── pkg
│ ├── CVMix-src
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── src
│ │ ├── drivers
│ │ └── shared
│ └── GSW-Fortran
├── src
│ ├── ALE
│ ├── core
│ ├── diagnostics
│ ├── equation_of_state
│ │ └── TEOS10
│ ├── framework
│ ├── ice_shelf
│ ├── initialization
│ ├── parameterizations
│ │ ├── CVmix -> ../../pkg/CVMix-src/src/shared
│ │ ├── lateral
│ │ └── vertical
│ ├── tracer
│ └── user
└── .testing
├── tc0
├── tc1
├── tc1.a
├── tc1.b
├── tc2
├── tc2.a
├── tc3
└── tc4
- memory/dynamic_nonsymmetric/, memory/dynamic_symmetric/
One or none of config_src/memory/dynamic_nonsymmetric/ or config_src/dynamic_symmetric/ can be included at compile time. If neither is used then a MOM_memory.h file specific to the model configuration must be present - this is known as a”static” compile with fixed layout and domain shape.
- external/
Contains “null” modules providing the API to optional components to use with MOM6. Currently available are ocean data assimilation (ODA_hooks) and the GFDL ocean bio-geochemistry model (GFDL_ocean_BGC). When building MOM6 in stand-alone ocean-only mode these modules should be compiled in. To use the actual ODA or BGC, add the appropriate source to the search paths .
- infra/FMS1
Contains MOM6-specific thin wrappers to all of the FMS types and routines that are used by MOM6. The code in this directory should only be called by the infrastructure-agnostic code in src/framework.
- drivers/solo_driver/
This driver produces an ocean-only executable with no other coupled components (no sea-ice, no atmosphere, etc.). It is the simplest configuration and fastest to compile and thus used for a lot of testing.
- drivers/FMS_cap/
This driver provides an interface for the GFDL coupler to call. It requires compiling MOM6 along with at least a sea-ice model and possibly all other components in a coupled model.
- core/
The dynamical core modules (except for the ALE remapping/regridding).
- ALE/
Functions for remapping from between arbitrary vertical grids and generating grids.
- diagnostics/
Some diagnostic calculations
- equation_of_state/
Various equations of state (linear; Wright, 1997; TEOS-10; …).
- framework/
Low-level wrappers for communication, diagnostics management, parsing of input parameters, time management, CPU clocks.
- initialization/
Initialization of the horizontal grid, vertical coordinate, and the state.
- parameterizations/lateral
Sub-grid scale parameterization with fluxes primarily oriented in the lateral direction.
- parameterizations/vertical
Sub-grid scale parameterization with fluxes primarily oriented in the vertical direction, including the top and bottom boundary layer schemes.
- tracer/
Everything to do with tracers, including advection and isopycnal stirring.
- user/
Initialization and forcing for specific (coded) configurations.