mom_domains module reference

Describes the decomposed MOM domain and has routines for communications across PEs.




These encoding constants are used to indicate the staggering of scalars and vectors.


Given a global array size and a number of (logical) processors, provide a layout of the processors in the two directions where the total number of processors is the product of the two layouts and number of points in the partitioned arrays are as close as possible to an aspect ratio of 1.

Detailed Description

Describes the decomposed MOM domain and has routines for communications across PEs.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine mom_domains/mom_domains_init(MOM_dom, param_file, symmetric, static_memory, NIHALO, NJHALO, NIGLOBAL, NJGLOBAL, NIPROC, NJPROC, min_halo, domain_name, include_name, param_suffix)

These encoding constants are used to indicate the staggering of scalars and vectors.

These encoding constants are used to indicate the discretization position of a variable These encoding constants indicate communication patterns. In practice they can be added. MOM_domains_init initializes a MOM_domain_type variable, based on the information read in from a param_file_type, and optionally returns data describing various properties of the domain type.

  • mom_dom :: A pointer to the MOM_domain_type being defined here.

  • param_file :: [in] A structure to parse for run-time parameters

  • symmetric :: [in] If present, this specifies whether this domain is symmetric, regardless of whether the macro SYMMETRIC_MEMORY_ is defined.

  • static_memory :: [in] If present and true, this domain type is set up for static memory and error checking of various input values is performed against those in the input file.

  • nihalo :: [in] Default halo sizes, required with static memory.

  • njhalo :: [in] Default halo sizes, required with static memory.

  • niglobal :: [in] Total domain sizes, required with static memory.

  • njglobal :: [in] Total domain sizes, required with static memory.

  • niproc :: [in] Processor counts, required with static memory.

  • njproc :: [in] Processor counts, required with static memory.

  • min_halo :: [inout] If present, this sets the minimum halo size for this domain in the i- and j- directions, and returns the actual halo size used.

  • domain_name :: [in] A name for this domain, “MOM” if missing.

  • include_name :: [in] A name for model’s include file, “MOM_memory.h” if missing.

  • param_suffix :: [in] A suffix to apply to layout-specific parameters.

Call to:

mom_define_layout mom_error_handler::mom_error mom_error_handler::mom_mesg mom_string_functions::slasher

Called from:


subroutine mom_domains/mom_define_layout(n_global, ndivs, layout)

Given a global array size and a number of (logical) processors, provide a layout of the processors in the two directions where the total number of processors is the product of the two layouts and number of points in the partitioned arrays are as close as possible to an aspect ratio of 1.

  • n_global :: [in] The total number of gridpoints in 2 directions

  • ndivs :: [in] The total number of (logical) PEs

  • layout :: [out] The generated layout of PEs

Called from:
